
PV-Backup is the device, which can be used for the Nintendo 64 game console. This device is the link interface between PC and console. Device has EPP1.9 interface and 72 pins 32 MB EDO SIMM (can be modifyed for 64 MB). The dynamic memory together with PLD is the ROM emulator.

As result, the PC can upload the code into memory of Nintendo 64. The device was succesfully used for making a Nintendo 64 application.


PV-Backup on GitHub

Story story.doc
Step by step stepbystep.doc
Inside inside.doc
Peripheral peripheral.gif
JumperPack jumperpack.gif
PCB’s top.gif, bottom.gif, cart.gif
Schematics scheme1.gif, scheme2.gif, mycart.gif, mycartprog.gif
Monitore source beta v1 monitore.rar
DBG64 source v1 debug.rar
Debug module debug.c.txt
Source of cartrige’s programmer mycartprog.zip
PLD source v1 uploader.tdf.txt
PLD binaries v1 uploader.pof.bin
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